Created by: paul01234
Number of Blossarys: 51
The task of opponents in a tournament. It is made more in chess because of the obligation to try to give each player the same number of games playing White and Black.
A move that is the only choice which does not result in a major disadvantage for the moving player. It can also be used to describe a series of moves for which the player has no possible alternative.
A drawn spot area in which neither player has any truthful chance to win. A dead draw may base to a position in which it is not possible for either player to win, or it may refer to an easy, lifeless ...
The advancement of a player's position by the reposition of one or more portion to better square(s), basically after a player's action or combination has left his pieces in bad positions or ...
A gadget composed of two adjacent clocks and buttons, keeping path of the total time each participant takes for their moves. Right away after moving, the player strikes his button, which ...
A specific piece with which a player attempt to deliver checkmate. Wanting to play with a capped piece produces the stronger player an extra challenge, thereby conferring a handicap in chess upon ...
The chequered board used in chess, consisting of 64 squares (eight rows by eight columns) arranged in two colors alternated, dark and light.